
Sell Now vs Sell Later

When a lender, institution or property owner has a distressed property, he or she is faced with a difficult decision. Sell now or hold on to the asset until it appreciates and can be sold later to get a better return on investment. Many banks or financial institutions choose to sell for a loss in

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Why Is Your Asset Underperforming?

There are many factors that can cause an underperforming asset to become distressed. Externalities such as natural disasters, mismanagement and the overall state of the economy can all contribute to the decline of a property and the need to take action. The goal is to carefully determine exactly why an asset has become distressed and

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Urban Farm Collaboration Between EpiCity and Natural Born Tillers In The News

Community Gardens have been popular for years and are usually associated with leisure. However, a recent collaboration between EpiCity and Natural Born Tillers (NBT) has led to an abundant urban farm experience at several EpiCity properties. Check out the press coverage EpiCity has received for this project below. Atlanta Journal Constitution Buckhead Reporter Georgia Trend My

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Recognizing a Troubled Asset

Troubled assets are like health problems. The quicker one acts, the more likely the asset will be saved. The big issue is that like health problems, assets do not come right out and tell you that they are distressed. As a lender, you have to determine whether the asset needs help. We will start by

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