
Apartment Complex tenant improvement

EpiCity Improvements Result in $6.8M Increase in Value for Local Apartment Complex

EpiCity helped a struggling apartment complex in the Atlanta area by planning, designing and managing a renovation of 400 units. With the improvements, the property owner is now able to command higher rents (a $100 increase per unit) and attract more desirable tenants. Even more importantly, the work has resulted in a $6.8M increase in […]

EpiCity Improvements Result in $6.8M Increase in Value for Local Apartment Complex Read More ยป

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EpiCity Identifies Mismanagement at Midtown Apartment Building

The EpiCity team achieved 100 percent occupancy in less than a year after making minor improvements and pinpointing the need for a change in apartment building management. As a sophisticated Atlanta real estate investor, the lender on a 129 unit midtown apartment building and an adjacent bar was weighing his options. With significant debt, including

EpiCity Identifies Mismanagement at Midtown Apartment Building

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